A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

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Let's Go There And Wander Nowhere

Going home isn't easy.

A short experimental first-person story-driven video game that no one is supposed to understand because it's not always you.

Let this be a reminder of how dedicated I could've been.

Special thanks to:

© 2018 Polychroma Games

PlatformsWindows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
AuthorPolychroma Games
TagsExperimental, First-Person, Low-poly, Mystery, polychroma, seen, story, Story Rich


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Let's Go There And Wander Nowhere (Windows) 55 MB
Let's Go There And Wander Nowhere (macOS) 88 MB
Let's Go There And Wander Nowhere (Linux) 85 MB

Development log


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This game may well be aiming at a very specific someone, but the writing is so amazingly good I couldn't tear myself away from it. The polygonal style and quirky backdrops only add to the whole experience and I left feeling empty but also full of curiosity.

Honestly, a wondrously weird little trip that I'd be happy to take again and again to try and chip away at the big story hiding beneath it all. Awesome work, keep it up! =)


While I may still be processing some of what I just experienced, I will say that this is an interesting game. Confusing at first...but interesting. I like the low poly art style it has going on, and feel it was a great choice for this almost dreamlike place the player is wandering through.

Good job making a thing.

Part 2! Sort of piecing things together, but not really!

Part 3! Because it needed an ending and this game definitely has something to be called an ending.

Made a video



Cool Jeepney, it tipped me off to this being set in the Philippines (my theory anyway). I would love to know more about the back story to this, but it sounds personal. I really liked the water scene at the end. Great artwork and interesting nonsense dialog. Keep making cool experimental video games!

One thing I would change though, the player casts a shadow of a tall box whenever you are in light, which I would take out. (Unless you wanted it there for a reason.)

Thanks a lot! It means a lot to me. Yes, I'm a Filipino, and the player is intentionally a tall box.

"I was on way to work." It's like 9:00 in the evening

Not meant to be taken literally.

(1 edit)

What is whith the weird flaoting thing that have some knid of logo on it?

Sit on the second chair to the left of the woman.

(1 edit)

I feel like I'm not the right person to play this. Like I'm not the right person to get the references and know what she's talking about. Like I'm not the right person to help her... It felt like a personal message to someone, but not me. I feel dirty for pretending to know the answers to her questions when in reality I was just curious.

Crazy stuff


You got it right.

(2 edits)

My friends and I played this over a skype call.  It was the most surreal game that I've personally experienced.  The message hit home.  My friends and I enjoyed this mindfuck of an adventure.

I STRONGLY recommend this game.  Even the automatic price tag is important.

Thanks a lot! It means a lot to me. Yes, even the release day is important.